Responsibly sourcing raw materials

When we procure environmentally sensitive materials, we’ll always consider sustainable alternatives as part of our buying decisions and address risks along our supply chain. We have programmes to support the sustainable management and use of natural resources in manufacturing and sourcing processes covering materials such as palm oil and soya.

Taking a responsible approach to our supply chain

We are committed to creating our products responsibly. This commitment begins at the point that we source and transport raw materials before they reach us, and how we handle them in our factories through to getting to our customers.

Our memberships and alliances

Most of our businesses implement EcoVadis and have SEDEX membership, requesting suppliers to follow its approach to social, environmental and ethical business practices. SEDEX conducts independent audits and ensures that suppliers are compliant.

Our position on palm oil

Across our businesses, we source a small amount of palm-related raw materials. We do so responsibly as part of our Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) membership. We are committed to sourcing sustainable palm by one of the four recognised RSPO sustainable supply chains: identity-preserved, segregated, mass balance, or RSPO credits.

ABITEC Corporation has been RSPO certified since 2016 for its mass balance supply chain model. It has committed to supporting sustainable initiatives, investing in sustainable supply and being part of the solution to find better options in the future.

Working with partners

PGP International sources rice and rice flour from California and the southern states of the USA. It is an active member of the USA Rice Millers Association, which champions high levels of environmental stewardship, protects biodiversity and supports conservation initiatives as part of the USA Rice Group.